Professional Journey

This weeks internship journal prompt asked the question “I am proud of myself professionally because _________”

This was hard for me to answer at first. I have not been extremely successful in my field and although I love what I do and I am proud of myself, it is easy to compare my journey to others. I would say I’ve many small victories surrounding my career starting with making the decision to go to Belmont for Fashion Merchandising. Knowing nothing about the major and having never taken any serious drawing/sewing classes, it was a very spontaneous choice. It is a choice I thank myself everyday for making. I am proud of myself for being consistent and always pushing for what I want; that is how I got my first internship at a local vintage boutique. When I was offered the role of costume designer for a short film being made by a Belmont student, I took that on quite spontaneously as well. I worked through the difficult situation and was very happy to be able to add that experience to my resume. As I continue with my current internship and navigating the job market, I hope I can keep being spontaneous, saying yes to knew opportunities, and learning from all of my experiences.


Internship Diaries -Happiness


Internship Diaries- Moving Forward